Monica Andreea
12 Oct

12/10/2020 To 16/10/2020

09:00 To 15:00

What is the goal of the training program?   The main purpose of the Erasmus+ STT week on Creativity & Problem Solving is to provide participants the skills needed to develop creative solutions in order to solve business problems. Read more…

28 Sep

28/09/2020 To 02/10/2020

09:00 To 15:00

What is the goal of the training program?   The main purpose of the Erasmus+ STT week on Coaching Skills for the Academic Community is to provide participants with the know-how needed to integrate effectively their colleagues in a working team. Read more…

14 Sep

14/09/2020 To 18/09/2020

09:00 To 15:00

What is the goal of the training program?   The main purpose of the Erasmus+ STT week on Skills for the Future is to provide participants with the know-how, tools and skills needed to work effectively in a fast moving and fast changing society. Read more…

07 Sep

07/09/2020 To 11/09/2020

09:00 To 15:00

What is the goal of the training program?   The main purpose of the Erasmus+ STT week on Assertiveness at the University is to provide participants with the know-how needed to engage in effective communication and build meaningful relationships with their colleagues, partners and customers (students or others). Read more…

08 Dec

08/12/2020 To 10/12/2020

11:00 To 15:30

After 3 half-days of workshop, you learn to use Design Thinking tools for your projects & leave with innovative ideas on how to improve your own practice developed with colleagues from all over the world. The program will be delivered online via Zoom. Read more…