Training programs

09 Sep

09/09/2024 To 13/09/2024

09:00 To 15:00

What is the goal of the training programme? The main purpose of the Erasmus+ STT week on Design Thinking is to provide participants with the skills needed to respond with the constant changing needs of the society. Read more…

16 Sep

16/09/2024 To 20/09/2024

09:00 To 15:00

What is the goal of the training program?   The main purpose of the Erasmus+ STT week on Internationalization is to provide participants with the know-how needed to make their university stand out in the international framework. Read more…

23 Sep

23/09/2024 To 27/09/2024

09:00 To 15:00

What is the goal of the training program? The main purpose of the Erasmus+ STT week on Time Management is to provide participants with the know-how needed to use their time effectively. Read more…

30 Sep

30/09/2024 To 04/10/2024

09:00 To 15:00

What is the goal of the training program? The main purpose of the Erasmus+ STT week on Intelligence Diversity is to broaden the understanding of intelligence in the university setting, leading to a more inclusive, innovative, and effective environment that values and utilizes the varied cognitive strengths of its employees… Read more…

07 Oct

07/10/2024 To 11/10/2024

09:00 To 15:00

What is the goal of the training program? The main purpose of the Erasmus+ STT week on Academic Project Management is to provide participants with skills related to planning, implementing, dissemination, monitoring and reporting – the main phases of a project. Read more…

14 Oct

14/10/2024 To 18/10/2024

09:00 To 15:00

What is the goal of the training program? The main purpose of the Erasmus+ STT week on Storytelling is to empower university employees with storytelling skills that enhance their effectiveness in communication, teaching, relationship-building, and professional development, contributing to a more engaging and vibrant university community. Read more…

21 Oct

21/10/2024 To 25/10/2024

09:00 To 15:00

What is the goal of the training program? The main purpose of the Erasmus+ STT week on Team Motivation provide participants with the know-how needed to increase their team’s performance. Read more…

28 Oct

28/10/2024 To 01/11/2024

09:00 To 15:00

What is the goal of the training program? The main purpose of the Erasmus+ STT week on Skills for the Future is to provide participants with the know-how, tools and skills needed to work effectively in a fast moving and fast changing society. Read more…

04 Nov

04/11/2024 To 08/11/2024

09:00 To 15:00

What is the goal of the training program? The main purpose of the Erasmus+ STT week on Creativity & Problem Solving is to provide participants the skills needed to develop creative solutions in order to solve business problems. Read more…

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Erasmus Training SRL este o întreprindere socială finanțată din fonduri europene prin proiectul Social Start-Up (ID 128491) în cadrul Programului Operațional Capital Uman 2014 - 2020.